Tuesday 10 November 2015

Final mesh fixes.

So there was an issue when doing cleanup on the mesh. For some reason Maya was spotting faces with 0 map area in the UV editor and we couldn't figure out why. When we turned on face centers display we couldn't find any faces intersecting within edges.

A guess as to why is that some of the faces in the UV editor so I decided to blow up the scale having to use up Multiple UV tiles just to get out of the issue. We could've left it on the 1 tile and continued with a risk but its safer to work with multiple UV tiles.

Here Maya is complaining about faces with 0 map area and we don't even know why.

Solution was to scale the UVs across multiple tiles and make sure the texel density was all uniform. Even though we don't know why I have had maya stop complaining about it. My guess is that the problem was that some faces in the UV tile were simply too small and needed scaling.

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