Monday 7 December 2015

Matte painting

Being an extra pair of hands on the matte painting stage. I did base mattes for scenes 3 and 4. Nothing too complex. Just using multiple photoshop filters(Mainly the cutout and pallet knife filter) and some digital painting to make the whole matte look cartoony. The refinements were given to the art director.

Out of all basic work I did in shots, this shot was my most favourite shot to paint.
For the textures I used the warp transform tool to give the textures some form and to mimick the direction of the topology in the scene.

Even though matte painting or texturing wasn't in my profesion I was glad to do them anyway. As a 3D artist my skills shouldn't just be aimed at 3D modelling, sculpting or unwrapping. I should be able to assist in areas of being a 3D artist so that would include. Knowledge on lighting and rendering, Able to do some digital painting and a good ability to navigate through Photoshop.

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