Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Nuke Compositing

I'm a newbie to nuke composoting. Allot of my knowledge about composoting mainly comes from after effects, Photoshop and adobe premier. I do have a little past experience on composoting in nuke but ever since Sunday (2 days ago) I started to take it seriously seeing as I was put on the job of composoting scene 2. I have some idea of what to do with the basics but I still had to research and experiment with the nodes to progress with composoting the scene. The thing that took up most of the time was having to learn how to navigate nuke and be able to work with what I've got.

Here I Animated the mattes with transform nodes. Separately animating the foreground and overall canvas. I never got to animating the background matte. The curve editor and motion path I used to my advantage to construct a neat animation. Using the playblast as a reference I am eyeballing and making the mattes move around similar to the playblasts.

There was an issue with roto so what I had to do was go in photoshop and cutout a specific part of the matte to mask out the character. Seeing as the research for roto was taking so long and I had a limited amount of time this was the best solution I could use.

Allot of the nodes I am figuring out and I am sure there are better ways of using these nodes but due to limited time I am just making sure it looks right in the viewer screen.

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